While dogs are called “man’s best friend,” even the most obedient canines can sometimes become aggressive and cause injuries. That is why millions of people are bitten by dogs per year in the USA.
Dog bite injuries can negatively affect the victim’s mental, physical, and financial health. This is where California law comes in to help. According to the law, a dog bite victim can sue the dog owner and demand compensation for all the damage through the owner’s homeowner’s insurance policy.
If a dog has bitten you or someone in your family, here is what you need to do to protect your legal rights.
Get away from the animal
The first thing you need to do is get away from the dog without provoking him in any way. Make sure you don’t turn your back to him, as the dog can still attack you and cause further injuries.
Seek medical attention
Dogs can transfer several pathogens to humans through bites. Therefore, you should try to get medical help as soon as possible. If the wound is bleeding, press it with a clean cloth to prevent blood loss.
Don’t forget to take pictures of your injuries before you get them treated. You can use them as evidence in court.
Exchange information with the dog’s owner
If the incident happened in the absence of the owner, ask the caretaker or eyewitness to take you to the owner or give their information.
Collect the required evidence
Gathering information is crucial as it will help you prove the extent of injuries/damage and secure compensation. You should take photographs of your injuries, torn clothes or items (if any), the site where the incident happened, and the dog. Get contact information from eyewitnesses so they can provide legal testimony.
Contact local animal control authorities
Report the whole incident to the local animal control agency to avoid such incidents in the future. They will investigate the case, helping you strengthen your case against the dog owner with their findings.
Hire a personal injury attorney
Contact a personal injury attorney right away so they can build your case while you focus on getting better. They will thoroughly evaluate your case, assess your likelihood for success, gather required evidence, and present your case confidently against the insurance company.
Personal injury attorneys, like the ones at Blake Law Group, are also familiar with the stall tactics of insurance companies that they use to make victims accept low settlement offers. They can help you deal with the insurance company the right way and negotiate a successful settlement.
Summing it up
In addition to the emotional and physical distress, dog bites can also cost you thousands of dollars. So, reach out to a Blake Law Group today to get your dog bite case handled professionally. They will make sure your voice gets heard and you get the compensation that you truly deserve.
Serving California and Washington States
Blake Law Group represents and helps victims of accidents and employee harassment receive the maximum compensation they deserve.
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Irvine, CA 92614
22525 SE 64th Pl, Suite 200,
Issaquah, WA 98027