Take Action Immediately. Anyone who has been attacked by a dog could have a claim for damages. Seek medical attention as soon as an animal attacks you, and seek legal advice.
The best thing to do now is to get a lawyer. Let an expert auto accident attorney handle the rest so you can go back to normal after a car accident. Generally, people who employ a personal injury lawyer outperform those who defend themselves. Many elements of a vehicle collision go unnoticed until it's too late. Aside from that, insurance firms are known for abusing weak individuals and distorting their responses to defraud them of coverage. With a lawyer on your side, you may rest assured that while you focus on your rehabilitation, someone is fighting for your rights.
If you have been injured, both physically and emotionally, in a slip-and-fall accident and want to know more about your odds of winning your case, and legal options, get in touch with us immediately. Negotiating agreements has been a part of our work for several years now, and we know how to help you get the compensation due to you or your loved one.
California's statute of limitations is two years. As a result, the plaintiff must sue or file a settlement claim within two years of the harm occurring Cal. Civ. Proc. Code 335.1 (This time limit may be extended in some isolated instances).
Serving California and Washington States
Blake Law Group represents and helps victims of accidents and employee harassment receive the maximum compensation they deserve.
Call today for your free consultation.
One Park Plaza, Suite 600,
Irvine, CA 92614
22525 SE 64th Pl, Suite 200,
Issaquah, WA 98027